Presentatie eindproducten

Presentatie eindproducten

In de mozaïekzaal van het Enschedese Stadhuis werden op 20 juni 2018 de eindproducten van de eerste teams die deelnamen aan het EnschedeLab gepresenteerd. De Twentse Courant Tubantia was er bij en schreef er dit over>> Hieronder een kleine fotoreportage van deze...

Team Meeting

In this meeting we quickly recapped on the last ‘terugkomdag’, and planned our next steps for the Evaluate phase. We will talk to citizens, talk to a municipality representative, and start working on perfecting our storytelling and our playbook. These...
Terugkomdag from Prototype to Evaluate

Terugkomdag from Prototype to Evaluate

Mirthe presented our progress throughout the prototype phase and we finished the presentation by placing our actual prototypes in front of the audience. We had positive reactions to our physical prototype, however, received a lot of comments of disappointment as to...
Terugkomdag from Prototype to Evaluate

Team Meeting

In this meeting we updated Hein Jan on our progress and showed him our prototype. We then determined that to keep the structure of the doll house also a lot more flexible for the communities, our prototype structure should look more like a hollow cube which can have...
Team Meeting

Team Meeting

In this meeting we began to physically prototype our concept from the previous meeting which included the house and the custom pieces.